Shipping Information

Packaging Instructions

Proper handling of furs/skins prior to shipment to us is important. The final product will reflect the care you take in preparation. Ears should be turned, lips, nose and eyes should be split. Remove all flesh and fat, thoroughly salt twice, and allow to dry. (Watch for curled edges.)

We have no control over the handling of any skin prior to receiving it. Improperly handled skins may not tan or the hair may slip, therefore, ALL TANNING IS ACCEPTED AT OWNER’S RISK.

  • Do not send wet skins
  • Do not sent air dried hides
  • Salt dry all furs/hides
  • Do not ship in plastic

TERMS: Unless C.O.D. is requested, an invoice will be mailed showing all charges. Shipment will be sent upon receipt of customer payment. Any delays in payment will delay shipment 1 1/2% finance charge per month (18% APR) will be added to all accounts over 30 days. We retain the right to sell any tanned skins in our possession 90 days after initial billing. All returned checks will be charged $35.00. Major credit cards accepted.

Shipping Instructions

Ship via UPS. Please include a packing list which can be obtained directly form us–or printed from here. An acknowledgement will be sent upon receipt of your order. Please advise us immediately if there are any discrepancies. All hides/furs need to be salt dried. DO NOT SHIP IN PLASTIC.


Unless C.O.D. is requested, an invoice will be mailed showing all charges. Shipment will be sent upon receipt of customer payment. Any delays in payment will delay shipment 1 1/2% finance charge per month (18% APR) will be added to all accounts over 30 days. We retain the right to sell any tanned skins in our possession 90 days after initial billing. All returned checks will be charged $35.00. Major credit cards accepted.

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